Why Do Mother-in-Laws Cause Problems in Families and Relationships?

The relationship between a mother-in-law and her child’s spouse is often portrayed as challenging. While not all mother-in-laws cause problems, conflicts can arise and strain family dynamics.

The relationship between a mother-in-law and her child’s spouse is often portrayed as challenging. While not all mother-in-laws cause problems, conflicts can arise and strain family dynamics. Understanding the reasons behind these tensions and considering real-life examples can help in navigating and improving these relationships.

1. Adjustment to New Roles

Marriage brings a shift in family roles, and this adjustment can be difficult for some. For instance, consider a mother-in-law who was deeply involved in her son’s daily life before he married. She might struggle with her changing role, feeling sidelined or less important. This can lead to behaviors that unintentionally cause friction, like frequent, unannounced visits or unsolicited advice on how the couple should manage their household.

2. Unmet Expectations

Conflicts often arise from unmet expectations. Imagine a mother-in-law who envisioned herself as a frequent babysitter for her grandchildren, only to find that her daughter-in-law prefers to hire professional childcare. The disappointment from this unmet expectation can manifest in subtle criticisms or passive-aggressive comments, straining the relationship.

3. Boundaries and Control Issues

Some mothers-in-law have difficulty respecting the boundaries of the new couple. For example, a mother-in-law who was used to being the primary decision-maker in her child’s life might continue to exert control, offering opinions on everything from financial decisions to holiday plans. This overstepping can create tension, particularly if the couple values their independence and prefers to make decisions on their own.

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4. Cultural and Generational Differences

Cultural and generational differences can be significant sources of conflict. Consider a mother-in-law from a traditional background who expects her daughter-in-law to follow certain cultural norms, such as living with the extended family or prioritizing family obligations over career ambitions. If the daughter-in-law, who may have grown up in a more individualistic culture, does not share these views, misunderstandings and disagreements can arise.

5. Jealousy and Competition

It’s not uncommon for a mother-in-law to feel a sense of jealousy or competition when her child’s attention and affection shift to their spouse. For example, a mother who has been the primary confidant for her daughter may feel replaced when her daughter starts confiding more in her husband. This dynamic can lead to behaviors that disrupt the couple’s relationship, such as making dismissive remarks about the spouse or constantly comparing them to previous partners.

6. Fear of Losing Connection

A mother-in-law may fear that her relationship with her child will weaken after marriage. Take the example of a mother who used to spend every Sunday with her son, but now those Sundays are spent with his wife’s family. This change can trigger feelings of loss and fear, leading her to seek more attention from her son, sometimes in ways that cause tension, such as guilt-tripping or demanding more frequent visits.

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7. Overprotectiveness

An overprotective mother might find it difficult to let go when her child marries. Imagine a mother who has always been deeply concerned about her daughter’s well-being and continues to monitor her closely even after she marries. This could lead to her questioning the couple’s decisions or intervening in disputes, which might make the spouse feel undermined or disrespected, leading to conflicts.

8. Communication Issues

Poor communication is a major contributor to mother-in-law conflicts. For example, a mother-in-law might assume she’s welcome to drop by whenever she pleases, while the couple prefers to have notice. If these assumptions aren’t addressed openly, it can lead to frustration and resentment on both sides, escalating into more significant conflicts.

9. Unresolved Personal Issues

Sometimes, the difficulties a mother-in-law brings into the relationship stem from her own unresolved personal issues. For instance, a mother who feels unfulfilled in her own marriage might project her dissatisfaction onto her son’s marriage, becoming overly critical or involved. Her actions might be driven by her own fears and insecurities, but they can create significant stress for the new couple.

10. Lack of Respect or Empathy

Respect and empathy are crucial in any relationship. For example, if a mother-in-law doesn’t respect her daughter-in-law’s career choices or parenting style, it can lead to significant tension. Conversely, if she feels disrespected or undervalued, she might respond with hostility or withdrawal. This lack of mutual respect can create a cycle of conflict that’s difficult to break, as each side becomes more entrenched in their position.


Mother-in-law conflicts often stem from a variety of factors, including changing family roles, unmet expectations, boundary issues, and personal insecurities. While these dynamics can create tension, they don’t have to define the relationship. By fostering open communication, setting clear boundaries, and approaching each other with empathy and respect, it’s possible to build a healthier, more harmonious relationship. Addressing these issues head-on, and with understanding, can lead to a more supportive and cohesive family environment, where all members feel valued and respected.

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