What to Do If the Guy You're Seeing Is Still Active on Dating Sites

what happens when you discover that the person you're dating is still active on dating sites, even after expressing that they’re not seeing anyone else? This situation can be confusing and unsettling, but there are ways to approach it with clarity and confidence.

Navigating the early stages of a relationship can be exciting and filled with possibilities. But what happens when you discover that the person you're dating is still active on dating sites, even after expressing that they’re not seeing anyone else? This situation can be confusing and unsettling, but there are ways to approach it with clarity and confidence.

1. Reflect on Your Feelings

Before jumping to conclusions or taking action, take some time to reflect on how this discovery makes you feel. Are you hurt, confused, or feeling betrayed? Understanding your emotions will help you approach the situation with a clear mind.

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2. Initiate an Open Conversation

The best way to address this situation is through open and honest communication. Choose a time when you can talk privately, and bring up your concerns in a calm and non-confrontational manner. You could start by saying, “I noticed that you’re still active on dating sites, and it made me feel uneasy considering we’ve discussed being exclusive.”

3. Listen to His Side

Give him the opportunity to explain his actions. There could be a range of reasons for his behavior—perhaps he hasn’t deactivated his account or is unsure about the relationship status. His response will give you valuable insight into his perspective and intentions.

4. Clarify Your Relationship Expectations

If you haven’t already, this is a good time to clarify what exclusivity means to both of you. Make sure you’re on the same page about what being in a committed relationship entails, including online activity. It’s important to define the boundaries and expectations within your relationship.

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5. Evaluate His Actions

After the conversation, pay attention to how he responds to your concerns. If he is genuinely interested in your feelings and committed to the relationship, he should take steps to address the issue. If he’s dismissive, evasive, or continues the same behavior, it might be a red flag indicating that he’s not as invested as you are.

6. Determine Your Next Steps

Based on the conversation and his actions, decide what you want to do moving forward. If he acknowledges your concerns and takes steps to be more transparent, it could be a sign of a growing and healthy relationship. However, if his behavior continues without any intention of change, you may need to reconsider whether this relationship is right for you.

7. Trust Your Instincts

Your intuition is a powerful tool in relationships. If something feels off, trust your gut. Prioritizing your emotional well-being is essential in any relationship. If his actions don’t align with his words, it’s worth considering if this is a situation you want to remain in.

8. Set Clear Boundaries Moving Forward

If you decide to continue the relationship, set clear boundaries about what you expect moving forward. Healthy relationships are built on trust, transparency, and mutual respect. By openly discussing your concerns and agreeing on boundaries, you can work together to build a stronger foundation for your relationship.


Finding out that someone you’re dating is still active on dating sites can be challenging, especially after discussing exclusivity. But by approaching the situation with open communication, listening to his perspective, and trusting your instincts, you can navigate this issue thoughtfully. Remember, you deserve a relationship built on honesty and mutual respect. Don’t be afraid to address your concerns and make decisions that prioritize your happiness and well-being.

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