Dealing With a Trust Crisis: What to Do When Your Partner Dodges Accountability

A question by a community member on Quora inspired us to drop this via blog. The question goes this way: "So I had confronted my girlfriend about sleeping with somebody else and the answer she gave me was "even if I did I wouldn't tell you". I'm just curious as to what would your response be or what would you do in this situation?" This is a clear trust issue in relationship life and must be resolved before the situation excavates.

A question by a community member on Quora inspired us to drop this via blog. The question goes this way: "So I had confronted my girlfriend about sleeping with somebody else and the answer she gave me was "even if I did I wouldn't tell you". I'm just curious as to what would your response be or what would you do in this situation?" This is a clear trust issue in relationship life and must be resolved before the situation excavates.


Trust is the bedrock of any strong relationship. When it’s shaken, everything else feels unstable. If you've ever been in a situation where your partner's response to a serious concern-like cheating-was dismissive or evasive, you know how disorienting it can be. One such scenario might go like this: You confront your partner about infidelity, and their response is, "Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." What do you do next? How do you move forward from a statement like that?

This blog will guide you through this emotional minefield, offering steps to help you process, communicate, and ultimately make the best decision for yourself.

1. Take a Step Back: Regain Your Composure

When your partner's response is as vague and non-committal as "Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you," it's natural to feel a surge of emotions-anger, hurt, confusion. However, before you react, take a moment to breathe. Step away from the situation if necessary, and allow yourself time to think clearly. This will enable you to approach the situation with a level head, which is crucial for making sound decisions.

2. Assess the Trust in Your Relationship

Trust is non-negotiable in a relationship. Your partner's evasive response could be a red flag signaling deeper issues. Reflect on the role of trust in your relationship. Has it been strong until now, or have there been other instances where transparency was lacking? Understanding the broader context can help you determine whether this is an isolated incident or part of a pattern.

3. Communicate Your Feelings Clearly

Once you've had time to reflect, it's essential to communicate your feelings to your partner. Avoid accusations or blame; instead, focus on how their response made you feel. For example, you might say, "When you said you wouldn't tell me even if you did cheat, it hurt me and made me question the trust in our relationship. I need to understand where we stand." This approach opens the door for a more honest conversation.

4. Set Boundaries and Establish What You Need

Boundaries are vital in any relationship, especially when trust is in question. Clearly state what you need from your partner moving forward. Whether it’s honesty, reassurance, or a discussion about the future of your relationship, let them know what is required for you to feel secure. If your partner isn’t willing to meet these needs, it’s important to reassess whether the relationship is right for you.

Read Also: From Divorce to Reconciliation: Anu Verma’s Journey of Healing and Rediscovery

5. Consider the Bigger Picture: Is This a Deal-Breaker?

Take a step back and look at the relationship as a whole. Is your partner's behavior an isolated incident, or does it reflect a broader issue of mistrust and poor communication? If trust has been consistently undermined, you may need to consider whether the relationship is worth continuing. Remember, staying in a relationship where trust is compromised can have long-term emotional consequences.

6. Seek Support from Trusted Individuals

Navigating a crisis of trust can be overwhelming. Reach out to trusted friends or family members who can offer support and perspective. Sometimes, an outside perspective can provide clarity that’s hard to find when you’re emotionally involved. If the situation is particularly complex or distressing, consider speaking with a therapist who can help you work through your feelings.

7. Decide on Your Next Steps

After reflecting on your feelings, assessing the relationship, and communicating with your partner, it’s time to make a decision. This might mean having a deeper conversation, taking a break, or even ending the relationship if trust cannot be restored. Whatever you choose, prioritize your emotional well-being and stay true to what you need in a relationship.


A partner’s evasive or dismissive response to serious concerns, especially about something as significant as infidelity, is a clear sign that there are deeper issues that need to be addressed. Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, and without it, everything else can fall apart. By taking the time to reflect, communicate, and set boundaries, you can navigate this difficult situation with clarity and self-respect. Remember, you deserve a relationship built on honesty, trust, and mutual respect—anything less is not worth settling for.

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